Monday, July 5, 2010

Twilight -Eclipse! A Review.

Some books should not be made into movies AT ALL! specially if the book is about a annoying,whinny,16 year old who is "unconditionally and irrevocably in love" with a 100 something Vampire and has a hunky werewolf as her best friend!
But then there are things you just cannot stop and Twilight-Cult Status is one of them.Lets have a Twilight Review.

Eclipse finally did the unthinkable.It turned the memory of the earlier two movies as a bad dream that you know You did saw but don't remember.It is not as boring as Twilight neither as dull as New moon,it actually entertains you for a while.
The movie starts with a teenager named Riley being attacked by an unknown Vampire and a series of killings that have started happening in Seattle.The Cullens start investigating the killings and instantly know that a Vampire hand is involved.Meanwhile Bella and Edward are together again and Jacob is doing his Jilted-Lover thing.
Midway in the movie we learn that Riley has been made into a new-born Vampire,and is Raising and army of Vampires on Victoria's orders(Surprise.she is back to take revenge)The army of vampires have one purpose-To kill Bella so Edward can feel the pain Victoria felt when the Cullens killed James(In twilight)So the Mortal enemies, werewolves and vampires, join forces to fight the newborn army.
Now thats just 15 minutes of the movie!
The other many minutes are centered on the conflicting love Bella has for two leading men.We find Bella (Kristen Stewart) coming to terms with the reality of her desire to become a vampire, while continuing to find some middle ground between her love for Edward (Robert Pattinson) and friendship with Jacob (Taylor Lautner). Seeing as one is a vampire and the other a werewolf, they are already predisposed towards animosity, but with Bella in the middle – "Switzerland," as she calls herself – their jealousy only adds more fuel to the fire.
But all the intense love between Bella and Edward is a bit of an overkill.Yes Bella is torn between her two mythical men but Isn't Bella supposed to be happy with Edward.In the movie,they come across as two people who are together but who couldn't be more miserable!
As for the performances,Stewart has finally loosened up a bit and is more comfortable in her role.Pattison's delivery and acting is still flat and monotonous but atleast he looks good!Lautner is the only one who really puts an effort into portraying his character.
Apart from all the angst and fighting,we also learn about the human-pasts of Jasper and Rosalie Hale.They give pretty solid performances.And Jackson Rathbone as Jasper is at his best in Eclipse.The Volturi also make a brief appearance in the movie,with Dakota Fanning as Jane,portraying the merciless attitude of Volturi,intent on giving no second chances to vampire-rule breakers.

All in all the movie entertains twilight haters and lovers alike,maybe because this time they actually followed the book.Word for word.
Watch if you are a Twi-hard and you want be disappointed.
If you are not a twilight fan,watch for the Shirtless Quilletes(werewolves tribe)....and You wont be disappointed too ;)

watch trailer HERE
visit official web page

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